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Laura Catherine Brown is a writer, comics maker, and visual storyteller. She started writing because reading saved her life, providing an escape from chaos. Now, she creates her own imaginary worlds full of characters caught in dilemmas that blow up their complacency. Her first novel Quickening was a Barnes and Noble Discover Best New Writers pick, her second, Made By Mary received an Independent Publisher Silver Medal award, and her shorter work has appeared in numerous literary journals. In 2019, she co-founded Rowland Writers Retreat, a fully-funded residency for women writers.
She lives by the words of Samuel Beckett: “Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.” She has a fantastic husband and family, and many wonderful friends all of whom make life worth living and failing worth trying.

visual storytelling
I started my creative journey as a graphic designer, which was collaborative and client based. I needed a more personal outlet so I began writing short stories, one of which grew into my first novel. Then I wrote a second novel. And more stories.
But I needed to integrate these two aspects of myself, so I began making comics and visual stories. I'm a graduate of the MFA Visual Narrative program at the School of Visual Arts.
Sometimes a story needs more than words.
Drop a line: lauracatherinebrown at gmail
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